

Your subscription for the club year to 31st March 2024 is now due and we welcome your continued membership.

TTC Membership Application Form 2024

TTC Member Renewal Letter 2024

General Club information

Tennis Playing – Weekly Schedule:

The courts are available for members during daylight hours throughout the year and at night until 10.00pm after which time the floodlights must be switched off. There are also specific member-led organised sessions where players can come along and have a game by ‘mixing-in’ with other members. As a courtesy to other members please try and arrive promptly. All standards are welcome.

Sunday        10.00am – 12.00 noon*

Tuesday       10.00am – 12.00 noon*

Wednesday  5.30pm – 6.30pm Free Junior group coaching with Club coach (from 1 May)

*We would advise members who wish to play on Sunday and Tuesday mix-ins to arrange to meet other players beforehand, as ad hoc attendance has been minimal, especially over the winter. The regular mix-in players have a What’s App group which co-ordinates this – any members can be added to the group.

Junior Playing Times:

During Sunday pm coaching sessions and Wednesdays 5:30pm – 6:30pm Juniors have priority over all other members and guests on all courts. Seniors have priority on other mix-in sessions, but Juniors are welcome to join in if there is space available.


Subscriptions for the club membership year run from 1st April to 31st March the following year. New members joining part way through the year will benefit from a proportionally reduced fee. Please see our latest application form on our web page Fees should ideally be paid by bank transfer using the details below, or alternatively can be paid with either a cheque made payable to ‘Tettenhall Tennis Club’ or in cash to Club Honorary Treasurer, Guy Kendall (Details are on the form.)

Our bank details are as follows:

Account Holder: Tettenhall Tennis Club

Sort Code: 30-19-40

Account Number: 00242533

We have a 3 month trial membership category for those who might want to give tennis a go, but aren’t sure. This can be taken up at any point of the year, and at the end of the 3 months, players can continue and pay the appropriate balance or leave the club. The trial membership can only be used once.

Representative for Junior Members/Parents and Club Welfare Officer:

Andrea Strathmore is a Committee member with particular responsibility for Junior matters and is our designated Welfare Officer. We would encourage the Juniors and Junior parents to use her to put forward any ideas and suggestions they may have. She will then feed them back to the committee. As our Welfare Officer, she is responsible for all safeguarding aspects of the club and members should note our approved Safeguarding, Diversity and Inclusion Policy found here:

She can be contacted on or 07507560501


Coaching is available from our club coach, Simon Fellows, who is a fully qualified LTA coach, with CCA (Club Coach Award) and a BSc (Hons) in Sports Science and can be contacted on 07527479809 or

Individual lessons with Simon – £30 per hour

Squads: £10.00 per hour

Simon also continues to organise the following:

Club Afternoons: These will take place once a month on Saturdays 1:30pm – 3:30pm and will involve semi-supervised coaching, fun drills and tennis-based games and activities. These sessions are paid for out of club funds and are therefore free to members and open to all adults and Yellow ball juniors.

Junior Group Coaching: There will be free Junior Coaching sessions with Simon every Wednesday evenings from 5.30pm -6.30pm, beginning 1st May. We would very much encourage the Juniors to make the most of this; Simon is not charging the club and is willingly giving his time to promote Junior tennis in our club.

Mini Tennis Red (ages 4 – 8) Sunday, 3.00pm – 4.00pm

Mini Tennis Orange (Ages 8 – 10), Sunday, 4.00pm – 5.00pm

Club Adult Group Coaching: This takes place on Monday evenings, 6.30pm – 8pm, fees payable on a half-termly basis. Contact Simon for details.

Adult beginners/intermediate: Fridays 6.30 – 7.30pm

Local schools with Simon: Tettenhall College, Wednesdays 2.30-3.45pm (term time only)

School Holiday Junior Coaching: This will be arranged by Simon and is scheduled to take place every afternoon 2 – 4pm during school holidays. Non- members also very welcome. Contact Simon directly for details.

Court Floodlights

Use of the floodlights is included in your subscription, and so no additional charge will be made when they are required. This is rarely the case with other clubs.  However, please be careful when using the light key as both it and the electric workings are quite delicate and are easily damaged. We will be monitoring the cost incurred and reviewing our position on this annually. We would, therefore, urge you to be mindful of this and be responsible in their use. This includes using only 1 set of floodlights per court used.

Please ensure they are turned off properly when you leave and note that we do not have permission to use them after 10.00pm.

We also have a fully functional PIR light above the court entrance and an external socket inside the court.

It is important that you adhere to club rules regarding the lights.

League Teams:

The Club has Men’s, Ladies’ and Junior teams. As their matches have priority for the courts, members should look at the fixtures on the notice board by the gate and the club calendar on our website: to check court availability.

Club Sweatshirts/Team Kit

We have a new supplier for our club clothing. It is Ron Flowers, based in Queen Street, Wolverhampton, and there is a live online link on our website.

Wimbledon Tickets:

The LTA have changed the way tickets are allocated. There will no longer be a club-based ballot. Members will be invited to ‘opt-in’ in the February preceding the tournament in June/July. The LTA will then run the ballot nationally and if members are successful they will be contacted.

Standard of Dress and Behaviour:

Tennis/sportswear is expected on court and it is especially important that players wear appropriate footwear. This is for players’ own safety as unsuitable footwear can cause immediate and long-term damage to both feet and ankles. Please turn off mobile phones when on court and do not pass behind players on another court when a point is being played.

Visitors’ Fees

The club operates a Visitors’ Fee system in order to be fair to those fully paid up members. We welcome prospective members/parents of Juniors and members of the wider community to use our courts and we levy a charge of £5.00 per session per adult, £3.00 for Juniors (without lights). Use of lights will incur an additional charge of £1 for every half an hour.

If you do wish to play on the courts as a visitor, please log your use and give your fee to a committee member as soon as possible.

First Aid box

A reminder to all that there is a first aid box located in the court cupboard on court 1. There is also an accident report form there, should you be unfortunate enough to need it, as well as details of our designated First Aiders.

Wolverhampton Sport Development Club Registration:

The Club has this registration and the certificates are on our noticeboard in the entrance to the Cricket Club clubhouse. It is similar to the ‘Clubmark’ obtained by larger clubs and gives us accreditation, recognition as a quality club, and provides re-assurance to all members and potential members of our excellent operating standards. As a result we are required to post notices related to such matters as Code of Conduct of parents, players and spectators.

Social Media

Twitter: the club has an active Twitter account @TettTennis, so if you’re on Twitter, please follow us. You can still see our posts on if you’re not on Twitter.

Instagram: our account is @tettenhalltennisclub, please follow us if you have an Instagram account.

Facebook: we have a closed Facebook account; please let Greg Phillips ( know if you want to join..

Club Communications and Club Calendar:

We keep in touch with our members by email and texts, although we appreciate and value the ‘word of mouth’ method too. Please ensure that we have your latest contact details if you want to keep up to date with what is happening at TTC. Your details are secure and never passed to any third party. Let us know if you wish us to delete them at any time. Please note the club phone for text messages (07848 877858) is not constantly monitored, so responses may be delayed and calls may be unanswered.

Our website has an active and live ‘Club Calendar’ tab which you can use to check court use for club coaching sessions, mix-ins and club matches. See link:


TTC has registered with Easyfundraising Check it out and use the link for any online shopping you do. The retailers will donate a percentage of your purchase to TTC and this helps our club funds.

Club Events:

TTC has 3 tennis tournaments throughout the year, the Open Championships, the Over 30s Championships and Junior Championships.. If there is sufficient interest more competitive tennis events can be set up. There are also several social occasions, including our Presentation and Social Evening and Adult and Child Summer Event, as well as other events – eg Barn Dances, Quiz evenings, which members and/or the committee organise for members and their family and friends. These serve as both fundraisers and opportunities for a convivial get-together.

Wolverhampton Cricket Club

TTC enjoys a close relationship with Wolverhampton Cricket Club (WCC) and part of your subscription goes towards social membership (minus voting rights) of WCC. This entitles you to access the social space in the pavilion, WCs, bar (with members’ discount), room hire at members’ rates, unrestricted parking, and the opportunity to sit and watch cricket in the pavilion area during the season. Additionally, TTC also has a noticeboard in the main reception, and access to the players’ WCs in the changing room block, when the main pavilion is closed and free use of the WCC function rooms for our fundraising events. Simon also has access to the room and WC which faces the courts, to ensure compliance with the LTA Safeguarding regulations.

Tettenhall Tennis Club April 2024-March 2025

Chair’s report AGM 2023

TTC Reports AGM 2024

Previous Chair’s Reports

TTC Chair’s Report AGM 2023

TTC Chair’s Report AGM 2022

TTC Chair’s Report AGM 2019

TTC Chair’s Report AGM 2017

TTC Chair’s Report AGM 2016