If you have a non-emergency Safeguarding concern, please text the word ‘Safeguarding’ to the Tettenhall Tennis Club mobile number (07848 877858) and Andrea, our Safeguarding Officer, will call you back and any concerns will be dealt with in line with our club and LTA guidelines. Please note though if your concern is of an emergency nature, please phone 999.
If you wish to register a concern directly with the LTA, please can you click here and this will take you to their website.
Tettenhall Tennis Club takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults seriously and as such has measures in place to protect our members. Please take a moment to read the attachments which outline our policy and what you should do if you have any concerns.
Safeguarding Standards for LTA Registered Venues
TTC Online Safety and Communication Policy
TTC Photography and Filming Policy
TTC Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Below is a list of numbers that you should use if need to make a referral:
- The police in an emergency (999);
- Local Authority Children’s Service at Wolverhampton City Council (Open Hours – 01902 555392 / Emergency Out of Hours – 01902 552999)
- Local Authority Adult Services at Wolverhampton City Council (Open Hours – 01902 551199 / Emergency Out of Hours – 01902 552999)
- Designated Officer (England only) for concerns/disclosures about a member of staff, consultant, coach, official or volunteer (01902 550661)